AQuA an
Agile Quality Assessment in practice

Improve helps you to become competent in the field of agile and quality.


We believe in agile principles and that is why we are constantly looking, together with the customer, for better ways to develop and test software. That is why we use a context-specific approach that looks at all relevant factors that positively or negatively influence quality. We call this an Agile Quality Assessment (AQuA).

Serious cardgame

AQuA is a serious card game that helps teams to discover in an interactive and structured way what the most important bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement are in their working method. The card game consists of more than 80 criteria divided into 5 categories: Culture & Context, Process, Teams, Practices and Skills and knowledge. By getting started with AQuA, we look at the way of working from different angles and the team evaluates itself. We identify strengths and weaknesses that are important to the team at that time in a timebox of up to four hours. The strength of AQuA lies in the process: the team creates its own model, as it were, by selecting relevant criteria and ranking them by priority. This way of working forces choices to be made. This creates a transparent overview of reality. By jointly analyzing the results, we make the opportunities for improvement concrete. After playing the game we can advise you on how best to organize the improvements. If necessary, we temporarily deploy our coaches, scrum masters or agile testers to support and lead by example. After all, a good example is good to follow.

What does that mean for my organization?

AQuA is fast, practical and thorough, so that you quickly gain insight into the improvement potential. We help you with knowledge and experience to achieve effective solutions. AQuA gives you this insight within a day. You decide, we guarantee tailor-made aftercare.

More info? Ask the Experts.

At Improve we share knowledge, expertise and translate this into opportunities for our customers. We would like to exchange ideas with you about our agile vision and the possibilities we have for you. Would you like to exchange experiences with one of our experts or do you have a question? You can reach me via (040) 202 18 03 or via

How can Improve Quality Services help you?

Make an appointment with one of our experts via 040 202 18 03 or via our Contact page.

consult. train. practice. Improve.

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