Management 3.0: doing the right thing for your team, involving everyone in order to improve the system and increasing the engagement of your employees Management 3.0 is a global management revolution that brings together thousands of project managers, mid-level managers, CEOs and entrepreneurs, developing solutions together, using games to encourage employee feedback and team collaboration. Management 3.0 is about actionable leadership. Everything we do includes proactive leadership games and exercises to apply with your team immediately. Take some of them for a test drive today!
Management 3.0 Foundation EN
After this training:
- You have several agile management methodologies
- You know what systems thinking is
- You know the different forms of motivation
- You can make self-organizing teams successful
- You know when you must act as a manager or a leader
- You can use different ways of competence development
- You can grow an organization
- You can apply change management in different ways
Succesvol managen op een agile manier
Do you have challenges like:
- How to motivate your workers?
- How to change the organization’s culture?
- How to change the mindset of managers?
- How to get teams to take responsibility?
- How to improve teamwork and collaboration?
- How to get managers to trust their teams?
- How to develop people’s competencies?
Management 3.0 is redefining leadership with management as a group responsibility. It’s about working together to find the most efficient way for a business to achieve its goals while maintaining the happiness of workers as a priority.
Who should attend this training?
The training is suitable for you if you want to become a better leader. We believe that management is not only the responsibility of the manager, it is the responsibility of everyone!
Roles of participants in their organization
This training is meant for:
- Team leads
- Development Managers
- Delivery Managers
- Middle-Managers
- CEO’s
- HR Managers
- Project Managers
- Product owners
- Agile Leads
- Scrum Masters
Prior knowledge or training required
There is no knowledge or specific training required.
Structure of this training
The training consists of two highly interactive days in which we deal with eight issues. We expect a lot from you and the other participants. Each of these eight subjects has at least one game or exercise. Each activity ends with a debriefing and discussion. This allows the participants to apply the topics they have learned to their own situation and discuss them with the group. You can then instantly apply your experience in your team. Start the transformation!
All participants will receive the course materials, an official certificate of participation and the book Management 3.0 by Jurgen Appelo.
Course outline
This two-days training has 8 modules:
Management 3.0: Day 1
- You will learn about different agile management methods, popular practices, challenges in Agile adoption around the world, and the contribution of the manager and team leader in Agile organizations.
- You will learn what complexity theory is, how to think in terms of systems, about the difference between complex and complicated, about fallacies of traditional linear thinking, and suggestions for complexity thinking.
- You will learn about the difference between extrinsic motivation vs. intrinsic motivation, the ten intrinsic desires, and common techniques for understanding what is important to the people in your teams.
- You will learn how to make self-organization work.
Management 3.0: Day 2
- You will learn when to manage and when to lead, how to use different criteria to create useful goals, about the challenges around management by objectives, and how to protect people and shared resources from any bad effects of self-organization.
- You will learn how and when to apply the seven approaches of competence development, how to measure progress in a complex system, the effect of sub-optimization, and several tips for useful metrics.
- You will learn how to grow an organizational structure as a fractal, how to balance specialization and generalization, how to choose between functional and cross-functional teams, about informal leadership and widening job titles, and about treating teams as value units in a value network.
- You will learn about the 4 facets of change management, which address the system, the individuals, the interactions, and the boundary of the system.
Possibilities in-house training
Improve provides this training in-house and tailored to your specific situation or needs upon request. For further information please contact us at +31 40 – 202 1803 or
Training information
- Location and dates: check the training calendar
- The training will be in Dutch unless non-Dutch speaking people attend
- Schedule: 9.15 – 17.00
- Fee: € 1.290, excluding VAT
- Coffee, tea, lunch and training material (including the book “Managing for happiness”) are included in the training fee
- Three months free e-coaching
- Information: phone +31 (0)40 – 202 1803 or e-mail
Improve provides this training in cooperation with Agile Strides, your trainer is Ralph van Roosmalen.
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